Rod Walker

My Impact Level:
Legacy Legend



My Activity Tracking


My target 150 kms

I’m stepping up to restore sight!

I’m taking on Fred’s Big Run this August to STEP UP TO RESTORE SIGHT!

My goal is to raise funds for The Fred Hollows Foundation to continue the legacy of an Australian legend, Fred Hollows.

Because right now, 9 out of 10 people who are blind don’t need to be...

And an operation that costs as little as $25 can help restore sight to someone who is needlessly blind, and change their life forever!

Please make a donation and support my challenge to give the gift of sight.

Fred Hollows’ dream was to live in a world where no one was needlessly blind, please sponsor my challenge and let’s honour his memory together.

Thank you for your support.

My Top Donors

Jezza Walker


Tejinder Singh


Korey Magee



I've restored sight to up to 112 people so far. As little as $25 can restore sight to one person

My Achievements

Step Up For Fred

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Raised $25

Raised $125

Raised $250

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Raised $2000

Logged First Activity

25% to KM Goal

Halfway to KM Goal

75% to KM Goal

Achieved KM Goal

My Updates

13th august

Wednesday 14th Aug
Back to work at 6:30am 600 odd emails to work through.. 4:30pm took the Diggity for walk to Tias to help her pack.

11th august

Wednesday 14th Aug
last day in Patong, Thailand. Breaky at 8:30 and check out at 10:30. watching the footy and deadly around Patong for the day in the humidity. went for a message at 3:30pm and back the foyer awaiting our ride to Phuket international. Walked around the airport, it’s a lot different than Melbourne airport. let’s see if I can sleep on the plane.

12th august

Wednesday 14th Aug
Tough Flight home leaving Phuket at 10:30pm allowing for time difference we arrive back in Melbourne at 9:30am and get home at 11:30am. washing the clothes, getting ourselves sorted I was a sleep at 1:30pm and woke up 4hrs later. made the dog her weekly dinners and didn’t do much after that. pretty knackered no much walking at all

9th august -thailand

Saturday 10th Aug
Early Start off the Hidden Forest - Elephant rescue site. 28 acreage of forest in which 6 female Indian Elephants are housed. These wonderful beasts are looked after 24/7 by a carer (makoot) I waved to one of the elephants that was two metres away and it was waving back with its trunk. Great day Back to the hotel around 2pm headed down for a swim and went to watch the Pies get robbed. Proceeded to have dinner at an Italian restaurant… worst food on the trip.

8th august - thailand

Friday 9th Aug
Walking around the street Patong today, we negotiated rates on Tshirts, Singlets and Shorts from the local local vendors. Had my ears and nose waxed today, not the greatest look. but the finish product is super Theoretically didn’t do any of significance. In bed by 9:15… knackered

5th august - thailand

Thursday 8th Aug
Up late as I was in a Coma from the night before. Walking around Patong and Kylie was walking to quick… I had slow her down, but I went back to the room and watched Brad Pitt in Troy. Kylie ended up in a message parlour, and I followed her there, it was “legit”. She had a four hour session and I had a two hour session. No Sex, hahaha, Ended up sorer than we went in. Bed early.. Kylie had a four hour session

4th aug - thailand

Thursday 8th Aug
picked up at 9am on the way to Adventure. pissing down rain. went on an ATV for an hour. Ended up black from the dirt. The rest, went to a golden Buddha ( haha). Ended up in cafe in the hills for lunch, the food was sensational, I ordered a lamb rangu with was great and Matt and Dean had pork knuckles.. they were the best I’ve tasted. Ended up watching a band play, tequila shots, beers and dancing to the proclaimers. back to Shazas for swim and a Jezza gave me a jelly snake.. it destroyed me..

2nd aug - thailand

Thursday 8th Aug
Beach walk, Kylie went on a parasail for 15 minutes Keep walking and waited for the bar to open at 11am.. had Mojkitos. walking around town, seen a great looking Transformers at $600 a pop. Ended up at the legends bar and Damo was smashed.. Japanese food for dinner..yummo

6th august - thailand

Thursday 8th Aug
Sensational day woke up sore still from the message , and went on a cruise to James Bond island, canoeing, walking through caves and jungles.. Then off to the Muy Thai boxing. I never really want to go but Matt was pretty keen so I went along. just like in hangover, great night and at 11:30 we stopped for a drink along Bangla rd, Pootong. Matt and I, picked up young Brodie from the gutter, the publican manager was trying to get us drunk. Drinks were coming our way that we didn’t order. tuk tuk driver ripped off Matt as well. Got home at 3:30am, Matt was no good either. getting the kilometres at a good rate.

7th august -thailand

Thursday 8th Aug
The day started somewhat late as we didn’t get home until 3:30am. we stopped for one drink.. got up breakfast and back to bed. epic night. got up at 2:30pm and went for a swim and a few brews beside the pool, then booked for dinner at Seasalt. from there walked to Hard Rock Cafe for some fancy as ice cream. And returned by the 7/11 for some refreshments. Kylie is a tad crook

3rd august - thailand

Sunday 4th Aug
didn’t do to much, walked around Pantong in 30 odd humid heat. swam in the pools and went and watched some football. watch and phone died after 2-3pm..9.1k up that time

1st aug, work then off to thailand

Thursday 1st Aug
work in the morning at 4:40am and finish at 9:30. on the way back my car is smelling bad and drop off a tonne of clothes into the brotherhood bin. clean out the sar to find Kylie had left food from Saturday in there.. that was smell of 5 day old pork, friend rice and vegetables. Finally on the way to the airport, with a 1hr delay with Jetstar… 15:50 take off. Sitting on the plane for a 9hr direct flight is painful but finally arrived in Phuket. Damn hot and humid Eventually in our room and in bed at midnight

Thank you to my Sponsors





Great job Rocket


Sharyn Lloyd

Great work Rocket


Jake Buttigieg

Go rocket


Matched Donation


Matched Donation


Megan Wilkiamson

Go get em


Steven La Rose

Get walking old man


Leeanne Burrows

Great job...let me know and I'll come for a stroll too


Carmen Green

Great work Rod, happy walking


Margaret Mcqualter


Jezza Walker


Justin Mundey

No more golf carts


Tejinder Singh


Julie And Brian Jones

Great job Rod!


Brad And Family

Good on ya bud


Matched Donation


Indy, Kirsty & Damo


Matched Donation


Gavin Olinowski


Matched Donation


Kylie Walker

I’m very proud of you, and I will walk alongside you x


Matched Donation


Maurie Mifsud



Matched Donation



Well done keep on walking


Matched Donation


Michelle Oconnell

Great stuff Rod 👍🏽


Matched Donation


Nicole Trevan

Well done Rod & good luck 👍


Matched Donation


Jarrod Buttigieg

Good work!


Matched Donation


Brittany Ivory


Korey Magee

My brother from another mother


Ann La Rose

Go Rodney!!


Roo Walker

So proud of you and everything you do. Love you lots ❤️❤️


Darren Walker


Jason Craven

Your a good man


Julie Burfurd

Great work mate👍


Trev Matthews

Well done old boy. Enjoy your stroll.



All the best Rod in your achievement



Keep it up mate, good stuff!


Matt Bbe

Well done champ