I've restored sight to up to 0 people so far. As little as $25 can restore sight to one person
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Step Up For Fred

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Raised $25

Raised $125

Raised $250

Raised $500

Raised $1000

Raised $2000

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25% to KM Goal

Halfway to KM Goal

75% to KM Goal

Achieved KM Goal
Our Team

Jazz Boparai

Natalie Sinton

Amy Stewart (C)

Lachlan Hassell

katie moore

Grace Solomons-Jones

Michael McKendrick

Rosa Misitano

Amber Miller

Donna Fox

Sue Ford

Lisa Dumbrell

James Nelson

Andy Devene

Allie Farr

Lisa Baldacchino

Briana Wingfield

Kelly Stuy

Anita Siassios

Ali Menzies